Emma Bayfield

The Dappled Flap Warbler

The Dappled Flap Warbler cover

Asian Elephant – Acrylic & Emulsion on Canvas

Elephant painting - acrylic and emulsion on canvas

Brochure Design – VJV

Travel brochure design - VJV

Travel Magazine – Four Corners

Design of travel magazine - Four Corners - VJV

Vinyl Cover Art – Debussy, Children’s Corner

Vinyl Cover Art - Debussy Children's Corner

London Curriculum Family Explorer Trails

Mayor of London - London Curriculum Family Explorer Trails

Pangolin – Acrylic on Canvas

Pangolin painting - acrylic on canvas

Magazine & Newspaper Advertisements – VJV

Design of magazine advertisements - VJV

Willow – Watercolour Paint & Pencils

watercolour cat portrait

Clue Hunt Booklet – Cambridge Night Climbers

Clue Hunt Booklet - The Mystery of the Cambridge Night Climbers

Iberian Lynx – Acrylic on Canvas

Iberian Lynx painting - acrylic on canvas

Clue Hunt Booklet – The Missing Timepiece

Clue Hunt Booklet - The Missing Timepiece

Postcard Design – VJV

Postcard design - VJV

Logo Design & Social Media Illustrations – Sharebee

Logo design - Sharebee

Clue Hunt Booklet – Who Killed Mr. Punch?

Clue Hunt Booklet - Who Killed Mr Punch?

Treasure Hunt Booklets – Super4

Treasure Hunt booklet design - Super4

Green Man – Oil Pastels on Cartridge Paper

Green Man - oil pastels on paper

Clue Hunt Booklet – The Admiral’s Emerald

Clue Hunt Booklet - The Admiral's Emerald

Greeting Card Illustration – Generations

Greeting card illustration - Generations

Logo Design, Brand Identity & Promo Materials – DGUK

brand design - Discovery Games UK

Design of shopify website – DGUK

design of shopify website - DGUK

Flyer Design – Richmond Childcare

Flyer design - Richmond Childcare

Clue Hunt Booklet – The Canterbury Trails

Clue Hunt Booklet - The Canterbury Trails, Discovery Games UK

Nature Trail Illustrations

Nature Trail Illustrations - British Wildlife

Storm Brewing – Acrylic on Canvas

Lake District - acrylic on canvas

Breakthrough – Oil Pastels on Canvas

Breakthrough - oil pastels on canvas

Health-Oriented Infographic – Tena

Design of health-oriented infographic - Tena

Vector illustrations for Animation – Evercise

Vector illustrations for animation - Evercise

Vector Portraits

vector portrait illustration

Leaflet and bus stop banner – Unbolted

Flyer design - Unbolted

Design of marketing materials – Evercise

Marketing materials design - Evercise

Educational Resources – Trafalgar Way

Design of educational resource pack - Trafalgar Way

Cover Design – My Bilingual Talking dictionary

Book cover design - bilingual dictionary for children

Talking KS2 Science Posters – Mantra Lingua

Design of educational Talking Science posters

Cover design for children’s books – Our Lives Our World

Children's series book cover design - Our Lives Our World

Activity pages for a children’s book – Sports Day in the Jungle

Activity page design - Sports Day in the Jungle